Electric Bikes or E-Scooters

What is the negative impact on health?

More and more people are choosing electric bicycles because it has numerous advantages. You drive to work smoothly and avoid traffic jams during rush hour.

But recreational cycling is also booming business, because exercise is healthy.

What is often not known is that the cause of physical complaints such as tingling of body parts or fatigue must often be sought in radiation coming from the pedelec.

What can you do?

To avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation, there are several measures you can take when using an electric bike, scooter or scooter.

For example, it is important to always maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter when charging.

In addition, it is wise to take regular breaks during long drives to limit exposure over time. Regularly inspecting the bike for damage or wear can also help reduce the risk.

Try to disable features such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi as much as possible. When buying an e-bike, choose a model where the motor, charger and battery are as far away from the body as possible.

Finally, it is crucial to ensure that the bicycle meets all safety regulations to ensure the safety of the user.

How can Penta Power help you?

Want to continue enjoying the benefits of electric cycling without worrying about harmful radiation effects?

Then the combination of a Penta Power 220 Tag, a Penta Power Gold Tag and a Penta Power Pendant offers a solution.

These Tags transform all electromagnetic radiation released during cycling into positive energy. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of electric biking without worrying about its possible negative effects.

Download our free e-book

Would you like to start eliminating radiation from your life? Or do you want more information about everything related to neutralizing and transforming electromagnetic radiation?

Download our free e-Book here