Quantum physics has led to numerous practical applications that have had a major impact on our daily lives. Some of these are:
MRI scanners
: This medical imaging technology uses the principles of quantum mechanics to create detailed images of the human body.
: Lasers, used in a wide range of devices from DVD players to surgical instruments, are based on quantum theory.
Solar cells
: The operation of solar cells is based on the principle that light can be absorbed by certain materials and converted into electrical power – a direct application of the quantum properties of light.
Electron microscopes
: These powerful microscopes, which can image atomic structures, have been made possible by the understanding of quantum behavior.
Atomic clocks for GPS
: Quantum physics underlies the accurate measurement of time in atomic clocks, which is essential for the operation of GPS navigation systems.
- The Penta Power Tags To transform radiation
These are just a few examples; new technologies are constantly emerging whose operation is based on principles from quantum physics….