
What are they?

A smartwatch is a digital watch that allows you to read emails and messages and make phone calls or consult your calendar.

All kinds of body functions such as the number of steps taken, your calorie consumption or your sleep pattern can also be measured.

This device can provide important health benefits and is quite convenient because you no longer miss any important messages.

In terms of capabilities, this device compares well to a smartphone. All these functions use wireless technologies such as bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS.

What is the negative impact on health?

With the smartwatch, you can read emails and messages and make phone calls or consult your calendar. The number of steps taken, your calorie consumption or your sleep pattern can also be measured. So a lot of benefits, for health and quite convenient because you won’t miss any important message anymore.

Yet there is a big downside.

This wristwatch is usually worn around the clock on the body and transmits and receives electromagnetic radiation permanently. That means prolonged exposure, in large quantities and remotely zero. So wearing a smartwatch has a detrimental impact on our health and general well-being.

What can you do?

  • Wear the smartwatch as little as possible.
  • Turn off all wireless connections as much as possible or put in airplane mode
  • For a good night’s sleep, sleeping without a smartwatch is a must.
  • Saying goodbye to your smart watch is the best choice.

How can Penta Power help you?

You are aware of the consequences of wearing a smartwatch, but the benefits are too great to do without one? Penta Power Tags offer you the best of both worlds: being able to wear a smartwatch without the accompanying health risks that come from radiation.

Providing your watch with a set of Penta Power Duo Tags transforms all radiation into positive energy. This allows you to continue wearing your smartwatch in a safe way.

Order your set of Penta Power Duo Tags here.

Find out in the manual how easy it is to apply the sets of Penta Power Duo Tags.

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Would you like to start eliminating radiation from your life? Or do you want more information about everything related to neutralizing and transforming electromagnetic radiation?

Download our free e-Book here