Laptop or desktop computer with wireless connection: guide to placement and use of Penta Power Tags

At moderate computer use it is perfectly possible to neutralize radiation with a Penta Power Multi Tag.

Do you work more than 1 hour a day on the computer or are you very sensitive to radiation , then a set of Penta Power Duo Tags is a more efficient solution because of the performance of the tags. To transform prolonged and heavy radiation exposure into positive energy, it is necessary to create a larger and more powerful protective field.

A set of Penta Power Duo Tags consists of 2 tags, each with a diameter of 9 mm. They are glued together on the same side of the device each time.

For the laptop:

  • Stick the tag(s) on the back of the laptop screen. For a set of Penta Power Duo Tags, 1 tag comes on the top left and 1 on the top right.
  • Sticking the tags on the bottom of the keyboard is also possible, provided the tags do not prevent the screen from closing. Make sure there is enough slack.

For the desktop computer:

  • Stick the tag(s) as close as possible to the power button of the computer case.
Radiation PC desktop and laptops
  • When screen and computer are integrated into 1 unit, the tag can be easily attached to the back of the screen.

How to apply.

Penta Power always wants to offer its customers the best quality.

Therefore, it is important to clean the surfaces that the Penta Power Duo Tags and Multi Tags will be placed on thoroughly clean before application. . This is how you ensure optimal adhesion and proper functioning of the Tags.


  1. Take a cloth and wet it with alcohol.
  2. Clean the surfaces of your computer where the Tags will go with the cloth.
  3. Pat them dry with kitchen paper.
  4. Paste the Penta Power Duo Tags onto your computer.
  5. Press them firmly for a few seconds.

Want to know more about a laptop or desktop computer as a radiation source? Click here.